Selasa, 17 April 2012

Best Friend

I have a best friend, I know him in campus. He is come from Pati Central of Java. He is like as my brother. I hope we are going to be longtime friends.
He is 19 years old. He is very thin. His face is long. His hair is bald. He always give smile to all people.
He has good personality. He is friendly, he is very funny and usually he feel sadness if he have a problem. But I always give him motivation and help to solving his problem.
He has a future plan. He want to helping many people. He is going to build house and education gratis for orphan.
He is very nice, I never meet people like him before. I hope we are going to be long time friend and forever. So, I hope all him dream implemented.

9 komentar:

  1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  2. Simplicity that gives happiness
    it was apparent from yourfriend "Taufiq"
    surely everyone comfortable with him!

    He going to build house and education gratis for orphan. the meaning of this sentence? gratis?

    1. yesterday I ever asked to Mis Dian about "gratis"
      she answered that gratis is english language.

    2. He is going to build house and education gratis for orphan.
      it can be used free of using in English, but this arrangement!
      He is going to bulild house and gratis education for orphan

  3. I did not know what's comments, because you are really good friends
    he may be best friends forever
    Could I be his friend too,,

    brother like it for my best friend

    1. it is very well. your grammar is very well. I don't say anything about your descriptive.

      but I just correct on "help to solving his problem." should help to solve his problem.

      :) good brother ....

  4. make me speachless,,, what your description is very so sweet

  5. your text good

    but little false in your sentence

    he feels sadness if he has a problem. dont he feel sadness if he have a problem.
    He comes from Pati Central of Java.dont He is come from Pati Central of Java

  6. that's good bro.........

    about my coment i agree with qoyim...........

    good luck....!!!!!!!!
