Senin, 23 April 2012


Tretes is one of tourism places in pasuruan east of java. At that place you will enjoy a beautiful view. Located in mountain range and upland plain make the weather become fresh. Inhabitiant houses there are near with natural forest.
I’m certain, you will be happy if you come there and will not be disappointed. You can  invite your family to go into recess.
Don’t worry, traveller to point at here very easy. If you going to arrive self. I will lead you from sidoarjo to tretes with motorcycle. You can find the way you are if you know the location.
The distance from sidoarjo to the location is not far. Around 35-37 km. If you use private vehicle you must be carefull because the street is climbing. A long street you should see complexs start from Cheng ho, Jawi temple, Kakek bodo waterfall until welirang and arjuno mountain.
In there you can follow inn or hotel to stay. Several hotel in there is Inna tretes hotel, Surya hotel, Tretes view hotel, Tretes raya hotel and many again.
 I hope that you will come with your family or friends. I’m sure, you going are to feel happy.

2 komentar:

  1. i think you should more descriptive about place...more detail..

    you can look it example in BING books


  2. good enough for a beginner *laughing
